AC Ready for Summer

Summer is just around the corner, making it the perfect time to prepare your air conditioning (AC) system for the hot months ahead. A well-maintained AC unit keeps your home cool and comfortable and operates more efficiently, saving you money on energy bills. Regular maintenance and help from electricians can also extend the lifespan of your system, ensuring it runs smoothly for years to come.

One of the first steps in preparing your AC for summer is inspecting and cleaning the unit. This involves checking various components to ensure everything works correctly and addressing potential issues before they become more significant problems. Another crucial aspect is checking and replacing air filters, which are integral in maintaining good indoor air quality and system efficiency.

In addition to these tasks, evaluating your thermostat settings can help optimize your system’s performance for warmer weather. Setting up an efficient schedule can prevent unnecessary energy usage and help maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Lastly, scheduling a professional maintenance check can provide peace of mind, as an expert can identify and fix issues that might not be apparent during a routine inspection.

By following these steps, you can ensure your AC is ready to tackle the summer heat, keeping your home cool and your energy bills in check.

Inspecting and Cleaning Your AC Unit

Inspecting and cleaning your AC unit is the first step to ensuring it functions efficiently during the summer. Start by turning off the power in the breaker box. This precaution will keep you safe while working on the system. Next, clear any debris, like leaves or dirt, around the outdoor unit. A clean area allows for better airflow and reduces the likelihood of blockages.

Open the access panel and inspect the interior components. Check for visible wear and tear, such as frayed wires or loose connections. If you spot anything suspicious, note it for a professional electrician to review later. It’s also a good idea to gently clean the condenser coils using a soft brush or a vacuum with a brush attachment. Clean coils improve your system’s efficiency and cooling capacity.

Don’t forget to inspect the indoor unit as well. Look over the evaporator coils and clean them if necessary. You can use a coil cleaner spray for this purpose. Additionally, check the condensed drain for clogs. A clogged drain can damage water and reduce your system’s efficiency. Routine inspection and cleaning can go a long way in ensuring your AC unit runs smoothly throughout the summer.

Checking and Replacing Air Filters

Air filters are vital for maintaining indoor air quality and ensuring your AC system runs efficiently. Over time, filters can become clogged with dust, dirt, and other particles, restricting airflow and forcing your AC to work harder. If not addressed, this can lead to higher energy bills and even system breakdowns.

To check your air filter, locate the filter cover near the return air duct or the air handler unit. Open the cover and carefully remove the filter. Hold it up to the light; if you can’t see through it, it’s time to replace it. Most HVAC experts recommend changing your air filter every 1 to 3 months, depending on usage and indoor air quality.

Consider its MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating when selecting a new filter. A higher MERV rating means better filtration but also higher resistance to airflow. For most homes, a filter with a MERV rating of 8 to 13 strikes an ideal balance between air quality and system efficiency. Replacing your air filter regularly ensures that your AC unit can maintain optimal airflow, improve indoor air quality, and run more efficiently during the hot summer months.

Evaluating the Thermostat Settings

Evaluating your thermostat settings is essential to ensure your AC runs efficiently during the summer. First, check if your thermostat is functioning correctly. If the readings seem off or the AC isn’t turning on when it should, consider replacing the batteries or recalibrating the device.

Next, optimize the temperature settings for summer. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78°F when you’re home and need cooling. This setting helps you stay comfortable while saving energy. When you’re away, set the temperature higher so the AC doesn’t run unnecessarily.

Using a programmable or smart thermostat can make this process easier. These devices allow you to set schedules that automatically adjust the temperature based on your routines. For example, you can program the thermostat to lower the temperature before you arrive home and increase it when you leave. This adds convenience and enhances energy efficiency, ensuring that your AC unit isn’t overworked.

Scheduling a Professional Maintenance Check

Even if you handle basic maintenance tasks, scheduling a professional maintenance check is crucial for your AC’s longevity. A qualified technician can spot issues that might not be visible to the untrained eye. They will also thoroughly inspect, clean, and tune your system.

During the maintenance check, the technician will inspect the refrigerant levels to ensure they are optimal. Low levels can affect your AC’s efficiency and cooling capability. They will also check for leaks and repair any identified, reducing the risk of system failures. Additionally, the electrician will lubricate moving parts, check the electrical connections, and test the thermostat for accuracy.

A professional will also clean hard-to-reach areas and components, such as blower fans and condenser coils, ensuring your system runs smoothly. Regular professional checks can help you avoid unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs, especially during the year’s hottest months.


Preparing your AC for summer involves several critical steps, from inspecting and cleaning the unit to evaluating the thermostat settings and scheduling a professional maintenance check. These actions ensure your AC runs efficiently, providing a relaxed and comfortable home environment. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of your system but also saves you money by reducing energy consumption and preventing costly repairs.

If you need help preparing your AC for the upcoming summer, don’t hesitate to contact Turner On Electric. Our team of electricians in Milford offers comprehensive HVAC services to keep your system in top condition. Contact us today to schedule your professional maintenance check and ensure your home stays cool and comfortable all summer.

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