Outdoor Lighting Services in Batavia OH

Looking for Outdoor Lighting Services in Batavia, OH or surrounding areas?

When you’re a homeowner, you’re paying for your entire property. A lot of the time, you’re not getting the most out of your investment. Outdoor lighting can change all that by allowing you to spend time outside whenever you want.

Even if you have basic lighting, a professional electrician near me can recommend upgrades. We know all types of outdoor light fixtures to fit your needs. It’s also about balance, because you might prefer dim lighting at night to set a mood or not get in the way of stargazing.

It’s not just about your porch or patio, though. We can also use various lighting to display the perimeter of your yard for security.

You’ll be able to entertain guests and host gatherings using your entire space no matter what time it is.

Our team of electricians at Turner On Services keeps track of different lighting and trends. We’ll base our recommendations on your lifestyle and needs, so you can trust us. Whether it’s string lights or tiki torches, give us a call today to get started!

Set the Mood with Outdoor Lighting Services in Batavia, OH or surrounding areas.

If you lean more toward the creative side of decoration, you might enjoy indirect lighting. This type of outdoor lighting is great for bringing out your favorite feature. You can also create a specific atmosphere with how many fixture options you’ve got.

When you work with a professional, you’ll get our knowledge. There are many types and styles of lighting on the market. It can get overwhelming to try and find the perfect lighting for your home, so we can help. Here are some of the most popular choices with our customers:

  • Waterproof lights are a fantastic option if you have a pool or fountain. You have even further options for a unique look, like floating lights.
  • If you want to add some flair to your yard, fairy lights are a good choice. We can put them in various containers and lanterns for a seasonal aesthetic.
  • Rope lights give you a lot of options for colors and location. We can install them on stairs and rails for nighttime safety. They can also go on retaining walls to see more of your yard.
  • One of the best investments is solar lighting for outdoors. Since they’re already outside, you’ll be able to charge your lights when they’re not in use.
  • Similar to rope lights, string lighting is typically a holiday concept. However, we’ve installed them on trees and home exteriors to give your property personality year-round. I
  • f you like to be outdoors, citronella candles can provide a cozy light while keeping away bugs. They’re natural bug repellant, so you won’t have to worry about mosquitoes.

If any of those sound good or you’ve got an idea, we’d love to be your electrician near me! Turner On Services has been working with lighting for a long time, so we can handle all sorts of projects. Call us today and let us know what we can do for you!

Professional Outdoor Lighting Services in Clermont County

More Options for Outdoor Lighting

We’ve talked about the different lighting fixtures you can choose. There are also options based on the location of your lights. For example, if you want something hanging, chandeliers can be a good decision for a vintage look and full lighting.

One of the reasons we recommend a professional is that we understand financial situations. We’ll work with your budget, so we might suggest paper lanterns or solar torches. If you get a lot of precipitation, we can install weatherproof fixtures to avoid electrical hazards.

If the chandelier isn’t your style, you might like a ceiling fan to cool things down. They’re also effective to keep away mosquitoes and other insects while lighting your dinner. Our electricians know which ones are outdoor fans and we can also use bulbs you can dim.

Of course, installation of outdoor lighting services in Batavia, OH is only half the battle. Wiring and connecting the new lights is a big part of having a pro. We know how far down to bury your wires and which wires to use for the different lighting systems.

Even if you want solar lights, which have no wires, we understand lighting design. Our team will make sure you get the most out of your lighting and set solar lights in an optimal spot for sunlight. Call us today and get started with your new lighting!

Get More from Outdoor Lighting Services in Batavia, OH or surrounding areas.

Knowing the purpose of your lighting is important. When we come out for your free inspection, we’ll want to learn more about your interests. If you can tell us why you want the outdoor lighting and what you’re using it for, we’ll know exactly what to recommend.

If you like to barbecue at night, for instance, we might suggest lighting the space around the grill with lamps or torches. A dinner table might be better suited with a chandelier or lanterns. For the romantic evening, you could have dimmable lights.

It’s not just about the atmosphere, though. Lighting is essential for security and safety. Our team can light the way on your outdoor stairs or walkways. Not only can this let you tour guests around to see your garden, but you can safely navigate the dark.

Expert Outdoor Lighting Services in Clermont County

Having lights around your property can also deter criminals. Common choices for this purpose are solar spikes, but there are many options you might enjoy. Solar lighting can save money, but so can LED bulbs. These tend to last longer and use less power to operate. While they can be a little more expensive in the beginning, you can save over time. They even come in shatterproof options to preserve bulbs in an accident. Our experts know the different types of bulbs, like Edison- and Kelvin-style.

The latter is the brightest and usually not recommended for outdoor lighting. When you need an electrician near me, we’ll help you pick the right watts and bulb for your needs. Just call us today and schedule your inspection!

Bring Out the Best with Outdoor Lighting Services in Batavia, OH

The world is always changing, and trends change with it. We don’t expect you to keep up with lighting trends, because that’s our job. We’ve got a team of lighting experts and designers that know all about what customers want.

When you spend money on your yard features, you want to show them off. One of the best ways to do this is by accenting your hardscapes with lighting. From retaining walls and outdoor kitchens to fire pits and stairs, lighting is key to getting the most out of them.

You can create a special aesthetic for holidays or parties with color-changing LED bulbs. Modern technology can allow you to sync the lights with your audio via Bluetooth. We can help you do that, but we can also help you pick our strip lights for the occasion.

Outdoor Lighting Installation in Clermont County

An electrician near me knows the various lighting designs. Some may look a lot more expensive than they actually are, which can give your property a fancier visual. A lot of them have different architecture and styles to go with the build of your home.

By letting our experienced team help you, we can design the perfect lighting for your needs. Whether you want to relax with mood lighting or host gatherings to show off, don’t hesitate to reach out to Turner On Services today!

We Know Trends as Your Electrician Near me

Those were a few of the stylistic trends, but technology has brought out different options. Landscaping and electronics have combined to give homeowners new ways to accent their features and enjoy the night.

If you love the look of the full moon, we can install floodlights that face down. This concept is called moonlighting and it’s pretty popular. However, the lights need to be high enough, like 20 feet or more, to give the desired visual.

While floodlights are usually associated with security, moonlighting doesn’t really have any purpose beyond the aesthetic. That’s not the same for portable lighting, though. These come in all shapes and sizes for you to pick from.

LED lighting has given manufacturers stylistic options, from ovals and cubes to floating spheres. Another great feature with a lot of these is that they’re smart technology, which can be used or programmed remotely. They’re also waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about the rain.

A big reason we said to avoid Kelvin bulbs earlier was because of the brightness. If you can’t see the stars, it can take a lot of the fun out of outdoor lighting. Not only that, but artificial light can have a negative impact on your health and use more electricity.

With environmental protection being more popular, the dark-sky-friendly lighting has been requested more often. These use less blue light and point down for a healthier lighting option. We know which bulbs and lights fit these parameters, if that’s what you want.

If you want to upgrade your outdoor lighting with smart technology or check out the International Dark Sky Association’s lighting, we can help. When you’re ready to get professional outdoor lighting services in Batavia, OH, Turner On Services is a phone call away!


electrical panel upgrade

All About Electrical Panel Safety

Many older homes were built with a fuse box, because they met the electrical needs at that time.

Unfortunately, even if you have an electrical panel, it might be outdated. In this day and age, electrical needs are higher than ever with so many devices and appliances in households.

A fuse box or overloaded electrical panel could result in all kinds of things. It could damage your appliances, limit efficiency, or even cause an electrical fire. In fact, the National Fire Protection Association found that electricity was in the top 5 causes for house fires.

To make matters worse, electrical issues account for around 31,000 fires and 200 deaths every year, according to a report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Between those statistics, there are a lot of reasons to get an electrical panel upgrade for safety.

However, the electrical fire hazard in your home isn’t just about your electrical panel installation. While having too many plugs in an outlet can cause problems, a big cause is also the wiring.

Over time, the insulation on your wiring can wear out and endanger your house. The wiring could also be done wrong in the first place, with different sizes needed to handle different amps.

Many of these electrical fires are the result of people trying to do things themselves. Unfortunately, they lack the knowledge and training that an electrician has. That’s why we always recommend a professional for any of your electrical needs.

Turner On Services has a team of licensed experts to do things right the first time! We’ll do things quickly to save you time and money, but we also care about your safety

Electrical Rewiring

Routine Maintenance Check

There are things you can do to make sure you’re taking care of your home. If you have to unplug something, don’t pull the actual wires. This can cause them to fray underneath the insulation. If you notice any frayed or broken wires in cables or plugs, replace them. Also, be mindful of how many devices you’re plugging into a single outlet.

It’s common for people to use a power strip if there aren’t enough outlets in a specific area. While this can help with surge protection, you can easily overload a circuit. How you organize your cables can also be a hazard.

We suggest using actual cord wraps to keep things tidy. Otherwise, you can end up with twisted wires and cables running everywhere. Not only is that a wiring danger, but it can also cause you to trip all over the place. We understand that you want your home to look neat for visitors. A lot of people use rugs, mats, and other things to cover cords.

What you might not know is that wires can get too hot, especially underneath a rug, so you could cause a fire that way. All of these are things we’ll look at during a professional inspection. We recommend scheduling a routine inspection every now and then to make sure the electrical situation in your home is safe. If you need more circuits, we can also take care of your electrical panel upgrade.

Safety First

Surge Protection

Turner On Services takes extreme safety measures, because we know the dangers of electricity. We always recommend a professional for electrical repairs or installations, because wiring and lack of training are causes for house fires, serious or fatal shocks, and other hazards.

If you have kids in your home, you should have tamper-proof outlets. These are covers that go over the plugs, because it’s easy for children to get their tiny fingers in the holes. It’s also important to teach them about electrical objects and make it clear that they’re not to play with.

It also goes back to knowing how to unplug things correctly, because that can damage cords or cause a spark. Of course, it helps when you practice safety with your outlets, too. We’ve seen all kinds of bad electrical ideas being used all over.

Extension cords can be useful but, if you have the option, move closer to an outlet or use a power strip. Power strips can be dangerous if too much is plugged in, but they’re better equipped to handle the amps safely than an extension cord.

Electrical Rewiring

Overloaded Outlets

Every outlet is linked to a circuit, which all connects to your electrical panel. This is responsible for getting the flow of power from outside your home to the appliances. Unfortunately, too many plugs on the same circuit can overload the circuit and cause problems.

The minor damages could be to your appliances, with less efficiency and slower charging. It could be a lot worse, though, because an overloaded circuit can spark and catch fire or cause an arc flash up to 1,000 degrees.

Obviously, none of these are ideal. Damaged appliances would need to be replaced, so it can all get expensive. If you need more power or circuits, we suggest an electrical panel upgrade with more circuits.

Newer panels are also designed for modern households, which tend to use more electricity. Water and electricity don’t mix. You’ve surely seen or heard that many times, but you’d be surprised how many problems occur because someone doesn’t follow that rule. If there’s a leak, definitely unplug anything nearby or turn off the outlet circuit until it’s fixed. You might not know that some remodels and older homes don’t have waterproof features.

While some areas of your home won’t matter, it’s good to have waterproof outlet covers and light fixtures. Otherwise, the steam from your shower could affect the appliances over time. These are referred to as ground-fault circuit interrupter outlets, or GFCI for short.

Our inspection will make sure that your bathroom and kitchen has them installed, because they’re part of the building safety codes. Like a surge protector, they reduce the chance of an electrical shock. It might go without saying, but you should also never stick anything into an outlet besides a plug. Too many accidental shocks happen from someone putting a screwdriver or something conductive into an outlet, so just be safe and call Turner On Electric for your electrical needs.

At-Risk Appliances

Another thing we’ll check is that your appliances meet safety codes. If they’re certified with Underwriters Laboratories or Edison Testing Laboratories, or UL and ETL respectively, they meet safety standards by OSHA, which is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

If you turn on the light and get zapped or unplug something and notice a shock, it could be a faulty circuit, bad wiring, or something else. Even if it’s just for peace of mind, give us a call. If your home still has a fuse box, you’ll need an electrical panel installation.

Fuse boxes were in most older homes, because people only needed 1,000 amps of power. Most modern homes use closer to 2,000 amps, if not more. A fuse box could easily be overloaded and cause issues within your home.

Electrical Panel Replacement

To conserve electricity and prevent electrical problems, you should unplug anything you’re not using. As long as something is plugged in, it usually uses passive electricity.

By unplugging appliances, you can lower your monthly electric bill. We’ve also noticed that people use the wrong light bulbs for things. Wattage is important to pay attention to, because it can cause your lighting to be ineffective or become dangerous. LED lights are newer and tend to be more energy-efficient, which could save even more.

Any appliance that uses heat, like a microwave or toaster, should be in a separate outlet. The instructions on these appliances are important to follow, like giving them clearance. They give off heat when in use, so anything nearby could melt or combust.

If you have any appliances or lights that need to be repaired or replaced, Turner On Services can help! We’ve got a team of electricians that have experience with almost any situation. We can also give you an electrical panel upgrade to have a more efficient home!

Electrical Rewiring

Electrical Panel Installation and Upgrading Your electrical panel is one of the most important appliances in your house. It controls how much electricity flows through your home and to each device or appliance. However, there are things to watch for that might mean you need an electrical panel upgrade: Your breaker keeps tripping. It’s okay if you have to flip a breaker once in a while, but if it’s happening too often, your electrical panel could be struggling.

Electrical panels are meant to be around for a while. That’s why we recommend an electrical panel upgrade to increase your home’s value. Still, if your panel is 25 years old or more, it might need to be replaced.

We said it before, but a fuse box needs to be swapped out with an electrical panel. Your lights flicker or cut out randomly. Your electrical panel feels warm to the touch. If you need more outlets for all of the appliances in your home, you probably need to upgrade your electrical panel at the same time. Of course, if you notice any outlets being singed or burnt, that could also be a wiring issue.

Either way, Turner On Services is here to help. Our electricians are trained to handle whatever electrical needs you might have. That’s why we offer such a range of services, so take advantage of our knowledge and experience.

Schedule your routine inspection, get an electrical panel installation, or let us upgrade the panel you have! Working with a professional means proper wiring and the best product recommendations. You can save with an electrical panel upgrade and avoid damaged appliances. It can also be safer for you and your home, so contact Turner On Services today!


Electrical Panel Replacement in Batavia OH

You Might Need a New Electrical Panel Installation

A lot of homeowners don’t realize how important the right electrical panel can be. That’s because many people don’t know that their panel controls all of the power output in their home. Every electrical appliance and device relies on your panel to function properly.

Without an effective electrical panel, your appliances might not run as well. Devices can charge slower and lights can flicker on and off. Those are the better outcomes, too. At the worst, your appliances can get damaged from working too hard or your circuits can get overloaded.

Damaged appliances will need to be replaced, plus you’ll end up spending more on the electric bill for the same results. Overloaded circuits can cause a spark, which is related to many electrical fires. There are a lot of safety and efficiency reasons for an electrical panel upgrade.

This is especially true if you have an older home. When houses were being built in the 1980’s and before, they didn’t have the same technology that we do now. In many cases, a fuse box was all they needed to function, but times have changed.

An electrical panel installation is generally good for about 25 years, though it’s recommended to think about a replacement after 10. Either way, there are some outdated panels that should be updated with a modern panel option.

Common Outdated Electrical Panels

Because they were popular in the mid-1900’s, Federal Pacific Electric, or FPE, panels can be found in many homes built prior to the 90’s. Unfortunately, they’re not safe anymore. Modern security features on electrical panels cause them to trip when they’re overloaded or shorted.

Another of the electrical panels we have to change out a lot are from Zinsco. They’re also called GTE-Sylvania panels, but they were common during the 70’s. While they’re no longer operational, they installed panels throughout the country.

Outdated panels are mostly unsafe because they lack newer security features. In the case of Zinsco, they tend to melt the “bus bar” and prevent it from tripping. FPE and Zinsco panels don’t have that safety feature, so they can overload and cause an electrical fire in your home. 

The worst part is that electrical fires can spark at any time, so it might be years after the electrical panel installation. To make matters worse, FPE panels don’t necessarily turn off a circuit when you turn it off. 

This has led to several people being shocked or electrocuted by accident. To know if you have an FPE panel, it might be on the outside or you might see Stab-Loc on the inside. Zinsco can be anywhere on the panel, though you might also spot GTE-Sylvania as a rebranding.

While there’s no guarantee that your panel isn’t safe, it’s still a good idea to think about an electrical panel upgrade. If nothing else, you deserve peace of mind to know you’re safe. Call our experts at Turner On Services and let us take a look today!

Other Panels that Need Updated

If you still have a fuse box in your home, you should get an electrical panel upgrade immediately. 

That’s because fuse boxes were designed for homes back when they only needed 1,000 amps of power or less.

With more technology and appliances, modern homes use an average of double that. This can cause overloaded circuits, electrical fires, faulty wiring, or damaged appliances.

A fuse box is extremely unsafe and you might save on your electric bill with an electrical panel upgrade.

Electrical Panel Replacement

You should also replace your split-bus electrical panels. These are common, but they don’t meet current safety codes. That’s because they don’t have a central disconnect feature, with 6 “main” breakers instead.

While they’re not inherently dangerous, split-bus electrical panels are at least 4 decades old. That’s way past the efficiency of modern electrical panel installations. Not only will they not trip when overloaded, but you could be missing out on electrical savings.

If you have any of the panels we’ve talked about, give us a call today! Turner On Services has experience with the best products from lasting manufacturers. You can get more out of your electrical panel, feel safer, and increase your home’s value with an electrical panel upgrade!


Stressed Person

Let a Professional Electrician Handle it

When it comes to fixing things around the house, a lot of homeowners like to do things themselves. In some cases, especially with the help of online tutorials, you can. However, dealing with anything electrical should be left up to a professional.

Electrical appliances and wiring can have many issues as the years go by. You might need an electrical repair, which can improve your comfort. You might also need an electrical panel upgrade to increase the number of circuits or handle the power better.

Whatever it is, we’ve got the experience and training to do things safely. By trying to do things yourself, you could wire things incorrectly. In the best case scenario, things just don’t work. In the worst case, you get electrocuted or accidentally spark a house fire.

Even if you just need the initial electrical panel installation, you should always look into working with a professional. Turner On Services has a team that’s here to help. We offer a number of electrical services that you can choose, because doing it yourself isn’t recommended.

Safety and Success

There are a lot of home improvement statistics to discourage the do-it-yourself-ers. According to Porch.com, 55% of homeowners try to do home projects on their own, but only 31% actually finish anything.

A big part of that is because the online tutorials are designed to make things look easy. Most projects aren’t as fast or simple as these videos make it seem. Not only that, but if you continuously spend money on unfinished projects, you’re throwing money down the drain. To make matters worse, there could be injury bills involved.

Electricity can be dangerous to play around with unless you know what you’re doing. You could get lucky with a mild shock, but there’s a good chance that your injury could be serious or even fatal.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information found that 30,000 injuries, or more, happen every year from electrical shock in the U.S, and that’s the minimum average. Of those, 1,000 shocks are fatal, so think twice about doing the electrical panel upgrade yourself.

Our expert electricians at Turner On Services have the knowledge and equipment to do things safely. We go through about 600 hours of classroom and on-the-job training to get a professional license. All of that hands-on training and expertise is meant to keep us safe.

Electrical Panel Replacement

While some online tutorials can show the steps correctly, they still leave out the safety measures. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and at least some of those electric shocks from earlier have to be attempts at DIY fixes.

For example, your electrical panel installation isn’t just about turning the electricity off and putting in the circuit breaker. A big part of it is knowing where the connections and circuits go, not to mention the wiring. Wiring is responsible for many house fires when it’s done wrong.

You also have to know the correct wires with proper insulation, so there’s a lot to know. That’s why you should always hire a professional for your electrical work. Here are some things to watch for to know you might have some electrical issues:

  1. Lights flicker on and off, or cut out completely
  2. You hear a buzzing sound when you turn on your lights
  3. You still have a fuse box, which means you need an electrical panel upgrades

If you notice any of the above or it’s been a while since your last routine inspection, you can trust Turner On Services. We’ve got a team of trained, licensed experts to keep you and your home safe!

Safety First

Surge Protection

Another danger of doing things yourself is the risk of starting a fire. Even if you manage to evade getting shocked, improper wiring or overloaded circuits can cause a spark.

You’d be surprised at how many home fires every year start because of bad wiring. In fact, based on a study from Firetrace.com, not meeting building codes and lack of repairs are two main reasons for electrical fires.

As professional electricians, Turner On Services is aware of the safety codes and all of their constant updates.

We also know about the different amp levels and what they require. If the wrong wires are used for higher voltage and amps, it could cause what’s called an arc flash. Even if it doesn’t, the slightest error can lay the groundwork for an electrical fire down the road.

Most fires don’t start immediately after the power comes back on, so you might not know you made the mistake until it’s too late. Our training allows us to handle your electrical panel upgrade without making that mistake, because safety comes first.

Fire Fighters extinguishing Electrical Fire

These fires are more common than you think. The U.S. Fire Administration found that electrical problems are in the top 5 reasons for house fires over multiple decades. That number goes up when you consider how many homeowners tried to do things themselves:

  1. At least 51,000 electrical fires occur annually, with the projections going up.
  2. Electrical fires aren’t even 10% of the annual fires, but they’re responsible for almost half of the 1,000 fire-related deaths.
  3. The U.S. Fire Administration in 2019 found that more electrical fires were due to amateur electrician work. That included homeowners, unlicensed electricians, and landlords.
  4. You’re 5 times more likely to die from an electrical fire because of their spontaneity.

Everything’s Got a Price Tag

One thing that a lot of homeowners have in common is financial concerns. That’s why so many opt to do things on their own, but you might have noticed by now that’s a mistake. Not only is it dangerous, but you could end up spending way more than if you just hired a professional.

Any kind of electrical work usually needs at least a permit. You might not need one if your project falls under specific state guidelines, but that’s a big financial risk. If you needed a permit and didn’t get one, you could be looking at serious legal costs. Permits can be expensive, too.

Electrical Master Equipment On House Plans.
Electrical Master Equipment On House Plans

Our professional team at Turner On Services can take care of your electrical needs without worrying about legal problems. We’re familiar with local and state safety codes, we’re licensed, and we’ll also save you the time of trying to do everything yourself.

Another financial aspect to consider comes from selling your house or dealing with insurance. When you’re trying to sell your house, there’s an inspection that will take place. Anything you did yourself will have to meet building codes, and that’s assuming you dealt with the permit issue.

Everything has to be up to these codes before you can sell your home. That’s because it’s the inspector’s job to make sure the electrical wiring and appliances are safe for the new owner. Even if all of that is kosher, the city might force you to expose your handiwork.

That could get expensive, with walls possibly getting torn down, but it gets worse. If your home fails an electrical inspection, buyers won’t want to pay for a home they’ll need to fix up. Your home’s value will drop significantly to account for that work.

You could also face legal fines or have to pay for the electrical repairs anyway, depending on your contract. In other words, it pays to just let a professional do things up front. Plus, an electrical panel upgrade can increase the value of your home!

Electrical Rewiring

Dealing with Insurance

We mentioned it above, but your insurance claim can be heavily affected by the state of your electrical maintenance. In many cases, doing things yourself could negate any warranties or be considered “negligent” by your insurance company.

Getting a permit for your impromptu electrical work and having it inspected are just the tip of the insurance iceberg. With or without those steps, you could still be denied an insurance claim and have to pay for any electrical damages. Since electricity is linked to so many house fires, that’s an important thing to have covered.

Insurance companies look at any electrical work that was done by anyone not professionally licensed. Even if you didn’t do it or didn’t know about it, you could still be left holding the bill.

While you might be able to get the previous owner of your home to pay for repairs if the electrical work was done by them, it can get expensive. In fact, lightning could cause a power surge and spark the fire, and you might still be denied an insurance claim.

Getting proper maintenance and upgrades for the electrical appliances in your home is imperative. Turner On Services provides a routine inspection that can identify problems, like an overloaded circuit or the need for an electrical panel upgrade.

You should always get this inspection before buying or selling a home, but you should also get one every year for safety. There are a lot of things that could be wrong or not be able to handle the amps, especially in the age of technology.

For all of the above reasons, you should always let a professional handle your electrical needs. We’ll provide an expert inspection and do everything from electrical panel installation to wiring correctly. Contact Turner On Services today if you need any of our services!


Electrical Wiring

Your Wiring Might Need an Update

When homes were built before the 1990’s, they didn’t have as many things to consider when it came to electricity. Many of them have fuse boxes, which were only meant to handle 1,000 amps.

Unfortunately, modern homes usually use twice that. While you might want to think about getting an electrical panel upgrade, there are other concerns. Outdated wiring was done with aluminum or copper wires.

Sometimes they also used knob and tube for the house electrical wiring. All but the copper can be dangerous. If you live in an older home, you could be at risk for wiring problems. These can limit the efficiency of appliances, but they could also put you in danger of an electrical fire.

Turner On Services can update your wiring, so don’t hesitate if you think you have aluminum wires.

Let Us Replace Your Wiring

Most wiring that’s done now used copper, because that’s what the Electrical Safety Authority recommends. According to them, aluminum wiring can be safe as long as it’s installed properly and the wires aren’t damaged. One reason we suggest upgrading from aluminum, though, is because of your appliances.

A lot of newer devices aren’t compatible with aluminum wiring, so they lose efficiency and might cause an arc flash. These can be 1,000 degrees and cause a fire at any time. It’s important to call us about your wiring problems, but we don’t live there.

Here are some of the most common signs that your wires are causing electrical arcs:

  1. Light switches are darker or discolored
  2. Your light bulbs go out faster than usual
  3. You smell burning Outlets or light switches feel warm
  4. Lights flicker on and off, cut off randomly, or aren’t as bright Circuits trip more often

If you notice any of those things, you and your home could be at-risk. We’ve got a team of electrical experts to replace your outdated wiring or give you an electrical panel upgrade to handle more amps. Call us today for a free inspection to start feeling safer!

Why Should You Upgrade Your Wiring?

While aluminum wiring can be safe if it’s installed and wired by a professional, there are other things to consider. We always recommend a professional electrician for your wiring to get the most out of your home. In fact, some insurance companies won’t accept a claim if you don’t use a pro.

Insurance can also be hard to renew if you don’t have an expert inspection, which is why we offer a free inspection. Any electrical issue our team finds, we can help repair, replace, or install.

To make sure that you’re covered just in case, call Turner On Services today!

Electrical Considerations When Renovating Your Home

Outdated Knob and Tube Wiring

We’ve talked about copper being the current wiring and why you should upgrade from aluminum. However, old wires were knob and tube. This type of wiring doesn’t have a ground wire, so there’s no space for plugs with 3 prongs.

If you’re not familiar, ground wires can help prevent electrical shocks. They’re also useful to avoid electrical fires from arcing. Newer wires have all of the wiring contained together, but knob and tube wiring has the wires in two separate cables. With more technology and electrical appliances, the chances of electrical trouble have increased.

Not being able to plug in a ground wire makes that risk go even higher, which can lead to appliance damages or electrical fires. It can also be dangerous for insulation to be installed on top of knob and tube wiring. Knob and tube wires have built-in insulation with rubber and cloth. This gives off a lot of heat when it’s using power. Insulation on top of it will give the heat nowhere to escape.

If you live in an older home, it’s always good to have a routine inspection done. Our professional electricians will make sure that you’re safe and everything is running smoothly. Let us put our experience and knowledge to work for you today when you call Turner On Services!


Turner On Team

Let Us Help with Your Electrical Design 

When you’re planning to remodel your home, there are several things to take into consideration. One thing that a lot of homeowners have trouble with is the electrical design.

Part of that is because you might not know all of your lighting options and most people don’t know wiring. Turner On Services has a team of electrical experts. We keep up with all of the light fixtures that hit the market, so that you don’t have to.

That means we know the best products to recommend. We’ve also got the wiring experience you’ll need to make sure everything is safe and efficient.

The key word there is safe, because improper wiring can be dangerous. It can damage your appliances or lead to a house fire. The worst part is that electrical fires can happen at any time, so it really comes down to knowing the wiring is done right in the first place. Having enough outlets in the right place can help with that. The same goes for getting an electrical panel upgrade to accommodate your electrical needs.

More light fixtures means you’ll need more circuits and power, after all. Designing the perfect lighting in your home needs to work in tandem with your wiring. That’s why we always recommend a professional. When you’re looking for someone that will work fast and help you through the planning and installation process, Turner On Services is here!

Room by Room Design 

Each room in your home will have different lighting demands because you’ll have different purposes. Your kitchen tends to have more high-energy appliances, like ovens and the refrigerator. These need to be on separate circuits to avoid an overload. The same goes for any appliance that gives off heat, like the toaster or coffee maker.

Another way to help with your circuits is with the right electrical panel installation. On the other hand, your living room might only need a few outlets for entertainment devices and basic lighting. We’ll help you come up with a lighting plan for each room. You might want a light over the kitchen sink, but your living room may work with just a lamp and ceiling fan.

Our expert electricians understand that the layout of your room will play a role in the light design. Larger rooms will need more lighting, with access to more outlets. Some light fixtures also need special wires, because they don’t use outlets. That’s not even getting into the smaller, specific lights for ovens and cabinets. To make things easier, give Turner On Services a call today!

Planning for the Future 

When it comes to your lighting design, we’ll also keep in mind your furniture layout. Many homeowners love to move around the furniture to create an open space, but sometimes it blocks outlets. Knowing where you plan to put things can help our team find a workaround. The type of furniture can also be helpful, because a desk in your office will obviously need an outlet for a computer or printer.

Something else that many people don’t think about is holiday decorations and gatherings. With many of these events, things get moved around to make room. You might also want an outlet specifically where you plan to put up a tree or string lights. If you know you’ll want a table in the corner, we can wire an outlet to be close by.

When you’re trying to create the perfect home lighting for you, you’ve come to the right place. Turner On Services will design a unique layout of wiring and lighting that will give you the space you want!

Electrical Master Equipment On House Plans.
Electrical Master Equipment On House Plans


outdoor lighting

Let the Pros Do Your Outdoor Lighting

We know what it’s like to take care of things yourself around the house. We also know that online tutorials can make things look a lot simpler than they are, especially electrical projects. Unfortunately, they usually leave out the safety risks and how many projects actually work. We always recommend a professional for anything electrical.

If you’re looking for outdoor lighting, our team of experts can recommend the top products. We’ll also take care of the installation and wiring because improper wiring can cause injury or even a fire. Turner On Services has a lot of experience with outdoor lighting services.

That means we know the perfect lighting design to give you what you want. Are you trying to create a romantic ambiance? Maybe you just want a nice space for family dinners on the patio.

Since outdoor lighting can also improve your home’s security, it pays to do it right the first time. That’s why you should give us a call and let our experts work with you every step of the way! We’ll make sure that you get the outdoor lighting you need for your lifestyle!

Design and Installation

Some homeowners are great with interior design and some are handy with tools. Even if you can do both, wiring your light fixtures correctly is crucial to your safety. It’s easy to overload a circuit without an electrical panel upgrade, or you could cause an electrical fire.

The layout of your light fixtures can accomplish different purposes. We can use lighting to highlight a feature of your yard, set a mood, or light up the perimeter for security.

Motion-activated lighting can help you find your keys at night if you work a long day. Our design team knows all of the lighting options at your disposal. We’ll work with you to come up with the perfect lighting for you.

Whether you want floodlights or wall sconces, we’ll help you choose a custom lighting design. You could even want smart technology. No matter what you want for your outdoor lighting, our professionals will take care of the wiring. Getting power from your electrical panel installation to the lights can also control how bright or dim they are, so call Turner On Services now!

Why Should You Upgrade Your Wiring?

Professional Electrician fixing a Do It Yourself Project

While aluminum wiring can be safe if it’s installed and wired by a professional, there are other things to consider. We always recommend a professional electrician for your wiring to get the most out of your home. In fact, some insurance companies won’t accept a claim if you don’t use a pro.

Insurance can also be hard to renew if you don’t have an expert inspection, which is why we offer a free inspection. Any electrical issue our team finds, we can help repair, replace, or install.

To make sure that you’re covered just in case, call Turner On Services today!

Why You Should Get a Professional

There are all kinds of benefits to letting our team help with your outdoor lighting. Not only do we have the experience to make sure everything is done right, but we know the best products from top manufacturers. We’ll get you quality lighting without going over your budget.

We care about our customers, so we want you to get as close to your dream lighting as possible. With so many lighting options available today, it can be overwhelming. You might also not know about most of them, but it’s our job to know and recommend what works best for you.

We’re also interested in keeping you safe. Between the added security of outdoor lighting and correct wiring, we want to make sure you’re safe in the comfort of your home. You deserve the outdoor lighting to create whatever atmosphere you want.

Outdoor lighting can give you more ways to enjoy the most out of your property. You should be able to use your outdoor area no matter what time of day it is! Get started when you call Turner On Services and let our team give you a free estimate!