Turner On Team

Let Us Help with Your Electrical Design 

When you’re planning to remodel your home, there are several things to take into consideration. One thing that a lot of homeowners have trouble with is the electrical design.

Part of that is because you might not know all of your lighting options and most people don’t know wiring. Turner On Services has a team of electrical experts. We keep up with all of the light fixtures that hit the market, so that you don’t have to.

That means we know the best products to recommend. We’ve also got the wiring experience you’ll need to make sure everything is safe and efficient.

The key word there is safe, because improper wiring can be dangerous. It can damage your appliances or lead to a house fire. The worst part is that electrical fires can happen at any time, so it really comes down to knowing the wiring is done right in the first place. Having enough outlets in the right place can help with that. The same goes for getting an electrical panel upgrade to accommodate your electrical needs.

More light fixtures means you’ll need more circuits and power, after all. Designing the perfect lighting in your home needs to work in tandem with your wiring. That’s why we always recommend a professional. When you’re looking for someone that will work fast and help you through the planning and installation process, Turner On Services is here!

Room by Room Design 

Each room in your home will have different lighting demands because you’ll have different purposes. Your kitchen tends to have more high-energy appliances, like ovens and the refrigerator. These need to be on separate circuits to avoid an overload. The same goes for any appliance that gives off heat, like the toaster or coffee maker.

Another way to help with your circuits is with the right electrical panel installation. On the other hand, your living room might only need a few outlets for entertainment devices and basic lighting. We’ll help you come up with a lighting plan for each room. You might want a light over the kitchen sink, but your living room may work with just a lamp and ceiling fan.

Our expert electricians understand that the layout of your room will play a role in the light design. Larger rooms will need more lighting, with access to more outlets. Some light fixtures also need special wires, because they don’t use outlets. That’s not even getting into the smaller, specific lights for ovens and cabinets. To make things easier, give Turner On Services a call today!

Planning for the Future 

When it comes to your lighting design, we’ll also keep in mind your furniture layout. Many homeowners love to move around the furniture to create an open space, but sometimes it blocks outlets. Knowing where you plan to put things can help our team find a workaround. The type of furniture can also be helpful, because a desk in your office will obviously need an outlet for a computer or printer.

Something else that many people don’t think about is holiday decorations and gatherings. With many of these events, things get moved around to make room. You might also want an outlet specifically where you plan to put up a tree or string lights. If you know you’ll want a table in the corner, we can wire an outlet to be close by.

When you’re trying to create the perfect home lighting for you, you’ve come to the right place. Turner On Services will design a unique layout of wiring and lighting that will give you the space you want!

Electrical Master Equipment On House Plans.
Electrical Master Equipment On House Plans


outdoor lighting

Let the Pros Do Your Outdoor Lighting

We know what it’s like to take care of things yourself around the house. We also know that online tutorials can make things look a lot simpler than they are, especially electrical projects. Unfortunately, they usually leave out the safety risks and how many projects actually work. We always recommend a professional for anything electrical.

If you’re looking for outdoor lighting, our team of experts can recommend the top products. We’ll also take care of the installation and wiring because improper wiring can cause injury or even a fire. Turner On Services has a lot of experience with outdoor lighting services.

That means we know the perfect lighting design to give you what you want. Are you trying to create a romantic ambiance? Maybe you just want a nice space for family dinners on the patio.

Since outdoor lighting can also improve your home’s security, it pays to do it right the first time. That’s why you should give us a call and let our experts work with you every step of the way! We’ll make sure that you get the outdoor lighting you need for your lifestyle!

Design and Installation

Some homeowners are great with interior design and some are handy with tools. Even if you can do both, wiring your light fixtures correctly is crucial to your safety. It’s easy to overload a circuit without an electrical panel upgrade, or you could cause an electrical fire.

The layout of your light fixtures can accomplish different purposes. We can use lighting to highlight a feature of your yard, set a mood, or light up the perimeter for security.

Motion-activated lighting can help you find your keys at night if you work a long day. Our design team knows all of the lighting options at your disposal. We’ll work with you to come up with the perfect lighting for you.

Whether you want floodlights or wall sconces, we’ll help you choose a custom lighting design. You could even want smart technology. No matter what you want for your outdoor lighting, our professionals will take care of the wiring. Getting power from your electrical panel installation to the lights can also control how bright or dim they are, so call Turner On Services now!

Why Should You Upgrade Your Wiring?

Professional Electrician fixing a Do It Yourself Project

While aluminum wiring can be safe if it’s installed and wired by a professional, there are other things to consider. We always recommend a professional electrician for your wiring to get the most out of your home. In fact, some insurance companies won’t accept a claim if you don’t use a pro.

Insurance can also be hard to renew if you don’t have an expert inspection, which is why we offer a free inspection. Any electrical issue our team finds, we can help repair, replace, or install.

To make sure that you’re covered just in case, call Turner On Services today!

Why You Should Get a Professional

There are all kinds of benefits to letting our team help with your outdoor lighting. Not only do we have the experience to make sure everything is done right, but we know the best products from top manufacturers. We’ll get you quality lighting without going over your budget.

We care about our customers, so we want you to get as close to your dream lighting as possible. With so many lighting options available today, it can be overwhelming. You might also not know about most of them, but it’s our job to know and recommend what works best for you.

We’re also interested in keeping you safe. Between the added security of outdoor lighting and correct wiring, we want to make sure you’re safe in the comfort of your home. You deserve the outdoor lighting to create whatever atmosphere you want.

Outdoor lighting can give you more ways to enjoy the most out of your property. You should be able to use your outdoor area no matter what time of day it is! Get started when you call Turner On Services and let our team give you a free estimate!